Metal Trails Music Magazine | Metal Rock Punk Folk Pop and Alternative Music

Interview: Silver Horses

mit Gianluca Galli vom 11. Oktober 2012
Nicht erst seit heute ist der Gedanke lebendig, den Sound einer bestimmten Ära irgendwie zu konservieren und ihn dafür als Musiker mit seiner Band auch dann zu spielen, wenn schon längst ganz andere Trends den Musikmarkt bestimmen. Bei der unter dem großen Begriff des „Heavy Metal“ zusammengefassten Spielart und der damit verbundenen Kultur gibt es zum Beispiel den so genannten True Metal, der - wie der Name schon sagt - als der wahre Metal verstanden und dabei den Sound der klassischen Heavy und Power Metal-Ära am Leben erhalten will.
Mit dem gleichen Gedanken, doch in eine etwas andere stilistische Richtung, geht es bei der aus Italien stammenden Hard Rock-Band Silver Horses, welche ihre musikalischen Wurzeln im Hard Rock der siebziger Jahre verankert sieht. Sozusagen also eine der etwas selteneren „True Hard Rock-Bands“! Dabei dürfte dem einen oder anderen vor allem der Sänger der Truppe bekannt vor kommen, der niemand anderes ist, als der Brite Tony Martin. Von 1987 bis zum Jahre 1997 war er mit einer kurzen Pause der Sänger DER Heavy Metal-Band schlechthin: Black Sabbath.
Nachdem das Fundament für die silbernen Pferde bereits vor drei Jahren von Gianluca und Drummer Matteo gelegt wurde, erscheint im Oktober nun das gleichnamige Debütalbum. Aber bedeutet das, dass Silver Horses so eine Art Abklatsch von Black Sabbath werden soll? Wann kann man die Truppe mal live on Tour erleben und wie kam es überhaupt zur Gründung der Band? Was für Menschen bilden das Publikum der Gruppe? Fans von Tony Martin, die über ihn auf das Projekt gestoßen sind und ihn noch von Black Sabbath kennen, oder auch viele junge Menschen, die unabhängig von der Vergangenheit auf diesen doch ganz besonderen Sound abfahren?
Erfahrt dies und viel mehr in unserem Mail-Interview mit Gianluca!
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

The Interview:

Alex: Hi Gianluca! How is the weather in Italy?
Gianluca: Hi! It’s sunny! As nearly always :)
Alex: What can you tell us about your newest project called „Silver Horses“? How would you personally categorize your current music?
Gianluca: Well, it is a seventies oriented hard rock with a lot of blues influence. A kind of Zeppelin meet early Whitesnake ...
Alex: How about the first Silver Horses album?
Gianluca: It is an eleven Tracks CD. A lot of feelings. Many acoustic songs, real rock music without compromises! We love the roots of rock and I think we have made a great job here!
Alex: What reactions about the new album did you get so far?
Gianluca: The record got impressive feedbacks. Altough it has not yet been released. I think that the main reason is that there are no bands at the moment playing this particular style of music. We did not invent anything new, but anyway. There are no other bands as Silver Horses on the market right now. Then of course the fact that Tony is the singer makes the whole story even more interesting!
Alex: And what can you tell us about the production and the songwriting process?
Gianluca: I started about three years ago with Matteo, the drummer. We started composing and rehearsing just guitar and drums. Then Andrea (bass) Joined us and as last Tony who wrote all the lyrics and vocal harmonies. All of us have a long experience in production, so it was natural to produce the album by ourselves. We had very clear ideas about the sound and the songs we wanted! It has been a very long process because we had many songs and we had to choose the very best and besides Tony changed quite a lot some of the structures. But the result is really great.
Alex: Is Silver Horses more like a band that is actually composing their songs in a structured and well-defined manner? Or is it more like experimenting until something useful comes out?
Gianluca: We are a band in any sense! We compose songs, we rehearse them, we send the demos to Tony and we really work on them. It might happen that sometimes during the rehearsals we come out with some ideas. But usually we are very precise and we have our method. We are very uncommon Italians in that sense!!!! In fact Tony was very impressed by us being so English.
Alex: What can you tell us about the next record? Is it already in process?
Gianluca: Yes! We already have 4-5 new songs finished. But we are composing and the creative process is just running. We are very excited about the next album. We are also working on some unreleased drum tracks of Cozy Powell. Tony got them from him and we will probably use something to have Cozy as a VERY special guest on the next record.
Alex: How would you describe your crowds? Mostly young fans, or a lot of old fans?
Gianluca: Very mixed! I am happy to have both teenagers and oldest listeners. But I think the reason is very simple: we don’t play trendy music. We play classic hard rock blues ... some kind of music without any age. Good for my children as well as for the most extreme metallers out there.
Alex: How many of them get Silver Horses through Tony Martin to know?
Gianluca: Good question! Actually we still don’t know. Hopefully many ... but at the end I think that there is a mixture of many reasons to listen to Silver Horses. Not only the great voice and interpretation of Tony. If people imagine to listen the Black Sabbath Tony Martin ... well, they are wrong! They will listen here a great singer with a powerful interpretation and a lot of feeling. Veeeery unusual!
Alex: Do you have any strategies for catching the attention of the people? Or is it more like they’re coming to your music on their very own?
Gianluca: We have a very good record company working for us and investing a lot of money! We have a great manager and management. So, we are not teenagers anymore and we cannot afford to make tests. We try to organize the release, the promotion and the live activity in the most professional possible way. But at the end what really counts is the audiences feedback!!
Alex: Currently, a lot of bands have a quite hard time to get their concert halls sold out, especially in rock and metal music. How do you make people come and watch you live on stage?
Gianluca: Hard to say. We will make everything possible to attract the attention. But as I previously said, I think the music will make the difference. Some good luck anyway is welcome!!
Alex: In general, how is the current development in the Italian rock scene?
Gianluca: There are many good bands, definitely. The problem in Italy is that Italy is world wide known for the melody, for the Italian pop. So it is very hard to come out playing rock or heavy music. The live opportunities are just a few and the market quite limited. In some ways playing rock music in Italy is a real challenge.
Alex: Who is more authentic in your opinion? The younger generation of bands that is now standing in the spotlight of the media and concert halls, or the experienced old bands that in some way are the giants on whose shoulders they are standing on?
Gianluca: No doubts! The old school. The old bands have another feedback, another story. Although I think that some new bands are really good as well, like Rival Sons, for example. I would add Black Country Communion. But this is a new band made of „old giants“!!
Alex: Let´s talk a little bit about band history! What made you choose 'Silver Horses' as a name?
Gianluca: Well, Silver Horses sounds very „vintage“. Very psychedelic in a way. Silver Horses is mentioned in Cream „White Room“ and besides it is the title of a Badlands song. One of my favorite bands all time together with the Zep.
Alex: What would you personally say has been your greatest success with the band so far?
Gianluca: Put together these great musicians and getting this result! I don’t know how much the record will sell. But what we have done was a dream before we started and it came true. So this is already a fantastic result! Making a record like this with Tony without compromises. This is a great success already!
Alex: What would you say has been the most enlightening moment in your history as a musician? Any especially memorable stories (anecdotes) you would like to tell us?
Gianluca: Well, I could write a book!! There are many anecdotes and stories. Tony has much more than me!!! But personally, being in tour with my other band Mantra with Europe, playing live with Whitesnake, Motörhead ... there are many beautiful moments to remember. But honestly I am sure the best is to come!
Alex: What was the driving force for you when you started to make music? Is it still the same today?
Gianluca: The only exclusive force is the passion! I decided years ago not to be a session man, even if I could gain more money to concentrate myself only in the music I believe and like! And yes, this is my only engine and energy!
Alex: For a lot of people, your field of work seems to be some kind of dream job and a gift. How do you feel about that? Do you agree?
Gianluca: Yes and no. For many reasons it is a dream, but sometimes you have to face the reality and not everything shining is always gold. There are many hard times to digest, but if you think that what you make as musician is the best expressive way, then you feel very lucky. I think it is very sad to see young guys without any real passion or worse, without any dreams to follow.
Alex: Is it sometimes hard for you to manage this professional life besides personal life with your family?
Gianluca: Absolutely! Being on the road, coming back home late ... there are many aspects that do not fit with a family. But I am very very lucky!! I have a fantastic family, a fantastic wife and children.
Alex: Are there any (special) gigs or is there something like a bigger tour planned for 2012/ 2013?
Gianluca: Not yet, there are many things in program to be confirmed. For sure we are going on with the new material.
Alex: What else can you tell us about your future?
Gianluca: You will listen to Silver Horses often and often! I really hope to come back to Germany very soon to play live!
Alex: Is there anything left you would like to tell your fans out there?
Gianluca: Hey guys, if you want to listen to a genuine hard rock bluesy album and if you miss the old good 70s rock, this is for you! Hope to see you live and support Silver Horses!!
Moderation: Alexander Kipke
Wer in das aktuelle Album „Silver Horses“ von 2012
reinhören möchte, kann dies hier tun:
[amazon "Silver Horses – Silver Horses (2012)"]B009HRAYZS[/amazon]

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