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Crashdïet-Interview mit Martin Sweet vom 12. Mai 2013 im Batschkapp, Frankfurt a.M.
Metal Trails Music Magazine | Metal Rock Punk Folk Pop and Alternative Music

Interview: Crashdïet

mit Martin Sweet vom 12. Mai 2013 im Batschkapp, Frankfurt a.M.
Es gab mal eine Zeit im Metal, über die so manch ein Musiker lieber nicht reden würde. Eine Zeit, in der man oft kaum unterscheiden konnte, ob gerade ein Mann oder eine Frau auf der Bühne steht und sich mit hochtoupierten Haaren, enger Lederhose und aufgerissenem Hemd die Seele aus dem Leib kreischt. Diese Zeit gehört dem Glam und Hair Metal. Schnell fallen nun einem Namen wie Twisted Sister, New York Dolls, Skid Row oder Michael Monroe ...
Doch vor allem bei der jungen Rockergeneration scheint es wieder modern zu werden sich genau diese Bands als Vorbilder zu nehmen. Nicht nur musikalisch, sondern auch beim Styling und den Bühnenshows. Eine dieser jungen Gruppen ist Crashdïet. Schon seit dem Jahr 2000 machen sie die Szene mit ihrer Mucke unsicher und konnten Anfang dieses Jahres ihr bereits viertes Studioalbum in die Ladenregale transportieren.
Was es mit der Scheibe auf sich hat, was sich hinter den Textzeilen der Single „California“ verbirgt, wie die aktuelle Tour so läuft und ab wann man mit einem Nachfolger für die neuste Scheibe rechnen kann, erfahrt ihr im unten stehenden Interview mit dem gerade aufgewachten Gitarristen Martin Sweet.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

The Interview:

Khanh To Tuan: Hello, this is Khanh To Tuan from Metal Trails and today we're here with ...
Martin Sweet: … hey, it's Martin Sweet from Crashdïet!
Khanh: How are you doing?
Martin: I'm quite hangover, actually ... still a bit drunk! Oh, I have to rephrase that. I'm not hangover yet, because I'm still drunk.
Khanh: Did you taste some of the local beer?
Martin: Yeah! Well, actually the local Jack Daniels mostly ... (laughs)
Khanh: You've been touring for three months, so far. What has been the best gig up to now?
Martin: It's been quite a few. We were surprised by the attendance at the British tour just before this one. And we're quite surprised about the German audience, too. The places have been sold out and that's just amazing. So all the German shows have been great. And the UK Tour was also very successful. But I don't know ... maybe the London show?
Khanh: How long does it take you to prepare for a show?
Martin: It usually takes like half an hour to get dressed, fix your hair and stuff like that. And if we have still some time, we warm up. Just sit in a ring and sing, you know? Warm up your voices for half an hour.
Khanh: Do you have some kind of a special ritual or is it just a regular warm up?
Martin: Not really! We just try to get our minds set to go on stage. Drink good, get some alcohol in your system and warm your voice up. ThatS' it! (laughs)
Khanh: Did anything crazy happen during this tour?
Martin: Ah, yes! Well, I guess you heard about the tragic death of our manager. That doesn't happen very often. So this was some kind of a very sad experience for a few weeks. It wasn't that long ago.
Khanh: My condolences!
Martin: Thank you!
Khanh: You latest album "The Savage Playground" has been released in January. How did the people respond to your new album so far?
Martin: I mean I've only heard like good stuff mostly. People have been quite surprised about the direction of this album, because it sounds a bit different then the previous albums. But it's still Crashdiet. It's the same kind of songwriting ... I mean it's one of those albums that you need like more then one listen to it before you get, what we're trying to do.
Khanh: Yeah, the sound has changed a bit. It's more rough and it has more of this live feeling ... was it your intention or did you just go with the flow.
Martin: I would say both. We were supposed to make the album in a different studio and all that. That's why we changed our minds and met this new producer who created this new feeling. It kinda took off from there. He wanted to pull out the the best of us, when we're playing as a live band. Try to not cheat so much in the studio and do to many overdubs or to cut and paste everything. So we basically recorded the album like you did it in the old days.
Khanh: Like in the garage so to speak?
Martin: Yeah, I guess!
Khanh: Do you write the songs together or is there any mastermind in the band?
Martin: There is three out of four, who writes very much. Basically me and Simon write most of the songs. And Erik writes quite a lot of songs, too. I think he has - I don't really now right now - probably about four or five songs on the new album right now. He is really taking a step up in the songwriting. Previously I've been more like a mastermind in the writing. And in the early days it was me and Dave Lepard ...
Khanh: So is it hard to deal with the multiple input of the people at once?
Martin: No, I mean we work quite easy with each other. We don't have those kind of conflicts that ... you know, we just try to make the most out of every song we do. The best song makes it on the album and it doesn't matter who writes it.
Khanh: What would you say is the best track on the current album?
Martin: I think this would be "Garden of Babylon", actually. Because I'm amazed, how that song came out on the album. And it's very fun to play this song live.
Khanh: Your latest single is "California". What can you tell us about it? Why did you choose to release it as a single? Is it some kind of touring experience summary?
Martin: Simon should answer that question, because he wrote the lyrics. But it's about our first visit in California. That's basically a love-story ... (laughs)
Khanh: So you take your inspiration from experiences that happen to you ... do you have any musical idols?
Martin: No, not really! (laughs)
Sure, I mean if you ask me, I listen to everything from Kiss, W.A.S.P. to Rolling Stones. Basically rock music from every decade.
Khanh: If you could meet any musician from any time, who would that be?
Martin: Oh, I've already met him: Mick Mars! (laughs)
I don't know if I want to meet my idols. I don't want to be disappointed by them. But Mick Mars was really easy-going and very ... human!
Khanh: When are you going to work on your next album and which direction do you want to take with it?
Martin: At least I'm gonna start to think about writing new songs this summer, because we have some time off from touring. Then we can stay home and be creative for a while. But I'm hoping to have the next album out for next year, actually.
Khanh: Can the German fans expect to see you on tour again?
Martin: Yeah, definitely! I don't know when, but we definitely have to come back soon. I mean, this place tonight is sold out ... we have to keep coming back!
Khanh: Now it's up to you to leave some final greetings for the fans, your family or your friends!
Martin: I miss my family at home. I miss my wife, who's at home. But we love everything, that the fans do for us. They kind of made this tour for us, because we kinda got stuck in an economical crisis when our manager died. Our fans fund this tour. It's hard to explain our hapiness! We were very happy for that. (laughs)
Khanh: Thanks for the interview Martin! I'll see you live in a few hours, all the best!
Martin: Thank you!
Moderation: Khanh To Tuan; Fotografie: Khanh To Tuan
Wer in das aktuelle Album „The Savage Playground“ von 2013
reinhören möchte, kann dies hier tun:
[amazon "Crashdïet – The Savage Playground (2013)"]B00ATXOEI2[/amazon]

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