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Vanity-Interview mit Francesco vom 26. August 2013 via Mail
Metal Trails Music Magazine | Metal Rock Punk Folk Pop and Alternative Music

Interview: Vanity

mit Francesco vom 26. August 2013 via Mail
Indie Doom, Esoteric Pop, Pagan Wave, Blackgaze, Post Goth - Das ist doch mal eine zünftige stilistische Einordnung! Viele Bands schaffen es nicht mal, sich zu einem einzelnen gigantischem Genre - wie z.B. dem Power Metal - zu bekennen, doch die Jungs von Vanity scheinen die stilistischen Einordnungen ihrer Musik sogar zu kollektionieren. Aber gut, es ist tatsächlich nicht leicht die Rocker aus Italien in eine passende Schublade zu stecken.
Wie wichtig ist es denn überhaupt sich mit seiner eigenen Musik innerhalb von bestimmten stilistisch klar definierten Grenzen zu bewegen? Na klar, mit jedem Album eine 180°-Drehung im Sound zu machen wäre unklug, da man dann jedes mal neue Fans gewinnt, aber mit Sicherheit die alten nach ein oder zwei Scheiben wieder verliert. Auf der anderen Seite erwarten viele von ihren Lieblingsbands eine stetige Weiterentwicklung, ohne den charakteristischen Sound zu verraten. Wie das gehen soll, ohne sich auch mal wo anders stilistisch zu bedienen, bleibt mir dann doch ein Rätsel.
Wir sprachen mit Bassist Francesco - normalerweise benutzen die Jungs nur die Anfangsbuchstaben ihrer Namen - unter Anderem über die Geschichte der Band, ihr neues Album "Occult You" und natürlich über die Ziele und die Schwierigkeiten der jungen Truppe auf dem Weg nach oben.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

The Interview:

Alex: Hi Francesco! Thanks for taking the time for this interview. How are you doing?
Francesco: Confused as always!
Alex: How are things going with Vanity?
Francesco: We are promoting our album "Occult You" in Germnay - Austria - Switzerland and the reviews till now are pretty good, so we are trying to plan a small German tour for this autumn-winter. We're quite stoked about how people react to our music.
Alex: Your music is mostly described as Indie Doom/Esoteric Pop/Pagan Wave/Blackgaze/Post Goth. Where would you personally see the band genre wise?
Francesco: Nowdays the music critic tends to categorize every new band trying to put them in an already exsisting genres, so we like to create new music genres name without beliving to be really part of them. I think that we are just a rock band with a lot of influences.
Alex: How important is it, to create his own music within a certain genre? I mean you can't change a bands style from album to album without loosing credibility.
Francesco: Depends on what kind of band you are, and what you want to do with your music. There are a lot of bands out there that are very good within a specific genres, and we respect them. There are also other bands that like to experiment and change from album to album, and we respect them as well. We fell to be more like the second kind of bands. Making music with a lot of influences makes our job more easily.
Alex: Could you explain to our readers how your musical style has developed over the years?
Francesco: We are such a young band. Vanity is not older than two years and Occult You is our first album, so I think you have to do this question in about five year to have a good answer ;-)
Alex: Did you have any remarkable, special or funny moments with Vanity that you will never forget and want to share with your fans?
Francesco: Only bad moments.
Alex: What do you think about vinyl and it's current comeback? Is your latest Album available on vinyl?
Francesco: We all love vinyls, 'cause we started listening music from the vinyls of our parents, and some of us collected for several years vinyls as well. In the 90's when the Compact Disc came out the interest in vinyls vanished a bit, but in the last years fortunately the interest has grown again. There is no a vinyl version of „Occult You“, but we are working on some remixes of the album that we would like to put out on the vinyl format.
Alex: Where would you see the whole music scene in let's say 20 or 30 years?
Francesco: Hard to say, maybe everyone will create it's own in few minutes or maybe people will get tired of music. We're quite relativistic sometimes.
Alex: What would you say are your personal favorite bands? What artists influenced you the most?
Francesco: Couple months ago we recorded an acoustic video version of Red Water by Type O Negative in memory of our beloved Peter Steele and this cover was really appreciated by Pete's family, too. Beside TON we are really influenced by every genre from pop music to black metal and so on. There's something good in everything if you are open minded.
Alex: What would you say makes a band professional? Is it the fact, that the members can live from their music, or is it all about the skills to play their instruments?
Francesco: I believe that professionalism is more an attitude you can judge by bands behavior more than something related to success. Now that everyone is able to produce its own music, the world is full of famous and successful amateurs. Fortunately they last only few years.
Alex: It's quite hard to get the talented young musicians out there, because they need money to built up their crowd, but they haven't got any money. Do you have any tips for the new bands out there?
Francesco: Today it's easier if you're talented but there's a huge competition. You don't only need artistic and technic skills but management, marketing and PR as well; you need to know and to do many things not properly involved in playing music.
Alex: Can you personally live from your music? What jobs do you have in real life?
Francesco: We don't have stable jobs. Everything in our life is related to our commitment to the band.
Alex: We have talked to Francis Rossi from Status Quo, for example, and he was like a lot of people from his generation all ranting about today’s music. That it’s all soulless, commercial crap and everything and that there’s not so much of the Rock spirit in there. What do you think? Is he right or is it basically a generation gap?
Francesco: Actually the music changed a lot in the last decades, and it's true that music is a business nowdays. There are more bands than ever but thanks to that I think there is a lot o crap music out there but also a lot of very good music. you have only to find the good one out. We don't really like people always talking about "those good old days when we truly rocked (horns up), when bands were real bands", everything changes and every era has its positive and negative side.
Alex: What's the reason you started with music and what makes it so special for you?
Francesco: Since I remember I always been into music, that's the only way my body and my soul let me express myself freely.
Alex: And how do you do the songwriting and what is the most difficult part of it? Do you come with finished songs or more like ideas and work it out in the studio?
Francesco: It depends, we don't have only one mode to write down the music. Sometimes jamming, sometimes starting from an idea or a riff of one of us. Sometimes you write a song in a couple of hours and other times you have to work on it weeks. Basically we are very hard to please with our music, and the hardest thing is to make music that satisfy all of us completely.
Alex: How would you describe your current crowds?
Francesco: They're all romantic and passionate.
Alex: Do you have any strategies for catching the attention of the people? Or is it more like they’re coming to your music on their very own?
Francesco: Beside the music we care a lot about the visual of the band. We have six videos out from our album „Occult You“, and I think this is a good strategy for catching the attention of the people. We look after the social networks as well, trying to get them updated as often as possible.
Alex: What's planned for the future of the band?
Francesco: Italian and – hopefully – an european tour, remixes, live video and some new songs.
Alex: That's it! Thanks again for your effort. Is there anything left you would like to tell your fans out there?
Francesco: Thank you, keep following us!
Moderation: Alexander Kipke

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