Metal Trails Music Magazine | Metal Rock Punk Folk Pop and Alternative Music

Interview: Incite

mit Richie Cavalera vom 16. Juli 2013 im Colos-Saal, Aschaffenburg
Incite - Es bleibt in der Familie. Nachdem der brasilianische Vorzeige-Metaller Max Cavalera mit Bands wie Sepultura oder Soulfly gezeigt hat, dass auch das Land des Samba harte Klänge produzieren kann, tritt nun sein Stiefsohn Richie Cavalera musikalisch in die Fußstapfen des berühmten Stiefvaters.
Seine Thrash Metal-Band Incite wurde zwar bereits 2004 gegründet, doch erst durch die Neugründung drei Jahre später, wurde die professionelle Richtung eingeschlagen, mit der sie nun zum Beispiel als Support von Daddys Band Soulfly quer durch Europa touren konnten.
Und wie ist es für die jungen Musiker on the road zu sein? Spielt man da lieber die großen Venues und Konzerthallen, oder doch lieber die kleineren Clubshows, bei denen man den Zuschauern direkt auf den Kopf schwitzen kann? Wie ist es überhaupt mit der Tourvorbereitung? Treibt man da extra ein bisschen mehr Sport, damit auf der Bühne die Puste nicht ausgeht, oder passt das bei den jungen Leuten auch so ganz gut? Seht einfach selbst, was uns Richi kurz vor dem Auftritt in Aschaffenburg erzählt hat.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

The Interview:

Adrian Erben: Hello friends, it's Metal Trails again and today we're at the Colos-Saal in Aschaffenburg. I'm sittin' outside, next to me is Richie Cavalera from Incite, son of metal legend Max Cavalera (Soulfly, ex-Sepultura). What's up dude?
Richie Cavalera: Everything alright, fine!
Adrian: So let's start. Actually the Colos-Saal is a really small venue! Why do you want to play here?
Richie: I think it fits with the town. I like this kind of venue, small ones are always more crazy. Max loves them, too. It's nice to do this between the festivals. Furthermore I like the contact between band and crowd. By February we'll come back and play the bigger citys, that's what's going on. It's a fun summer this year and I really love it!
Adrian: As a musician you travell a lot. Isn't it sometimes hard to be away from home for such a long time?
Richie: Yeah, sometimes it's a little bit difficult. My girlfriend stucks at home. I guess it's difficult for people to be away from their family. In my case it's different, because I see my family every day on tour. So for me it's really cool getting out on tour for a few weeks.
Adrian: How long are you at home during a year?
Richie: Last year I was at home for about two months. This year I had two weeks yet, so I'm looking forward to September. We're getting off for some time then!
Adrian: How many days a week do you play concerts?
Richie: Usually about six times a week. It's a little bit tough on your body in times, you may think it's easy, but it isn't! As a newer band we've to do everything by ourselves, we have twelve-hour-days, we carry our own gear and drive in our own vehicles. It's really tough, but then you have the 45 minutes on stage and they are worth everything.
Adrian: What do you do to keep yourself in shape? Are you doing sports?
Richie: Meh, I can't do this stuff. I'm really busy with all the other stuff! On tour I'm really fit, but at home I'm lazy and I do nearly nothing. And I deserve this, I really kick myself in the ass on tour. (laughs)
We've only five shows left on this tour, I already get excited on my week off. After that we have another tour in America!
Adrian: Where exactly?
Richie: At first we'll get over to South America, and at the end of the year we'll have a US tour! And then I hope we'll get back to Europe in February/March next year...
Adrian: It think it's awesome that a young band has the opportunity to travel the world at all …
Richie: Yeah, definitively! This is the difference. Some bands only exist on Facebook but they don't get around, so you don't know them. It's like in the 80's when bands played about 300 shows a year, acts like Metallica and Slayer did this.
Adrian: But there we're of course less bands then there are today.
Richie: Of course you're right with that! Nevertheless do I think that playing so many shows makes us different from other bands. Some other bands record really good records, but no one knows them, because they are not touring.
Adrian: Incite seems to be a really intense band!
Richie: You're right with that. We have lots of fun on stage and currently even more, because we are honoured with opening for Soulfly. We will have a great time. You know, the Soulfly fans are really different, some of them are old Sepultura fans, others are fans from the newer stuff from Soulfly! They have in common, that they are all really big metalheads and heaving a good time. This is good for us, because we get a bigger audience with that. A special thing for us is that we're writing all of our songs on tour. We write songs and the next day, we show them up and check the opinion and the reactions of the fans. Then we combine the best parts and make songs out of it.
Adrian: What makes your band more special than others?
Richie: At first it's dedication. We love what we do. Then some other points, we work well together, we are friends for a long time. And of course constant touring! We are a good live band, the people see that and then they like our records.
Adrian: My last question: What are your future plans with the band?
Richie: Now we are just touring, besides that we are writing and recording. We have a hard schedule currently, but I love it. We have a new record in the making. As a musician I don't want to miss anything, when I'm at home I always think I miss my time ...
Adrian: Thank you for spending time with us, Richie!
Richie: Thank you, too! See you later.
Moderation: Adrian Erben

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